About Me
Hello and welcome! My name is Vibeke (pronounced VEE-beh-keh) Courtney, and I’m a fiction developmental and line editor.
You’ve probably landed on this page because you’re a writer wondering how I could help you and if we’d be a good fit. I’ll try to be brief while I answer that — even though editing my own writing is a bit like “physician, heal yourself” is it not? Which is the whole point, because…
Every writer needs an editor
Whether you're a beginner,
you’re a bestselling author already, or anywhere in between, your novel will benefit from being seen by a fresh pair of eyes. Writers inevitably get wrapped up in their own vision of the story they’re trying to tell, and it can be difficult—if not impossible—to see it the way a reader would. A good editor is like a sieve that you run your story through before presenting it to the world. They catch all the lumps and the crud that you don’t want in your final product.
Whether you're a beginner,
you’re a bestselling author already, or anywhere in between, your novel will benefit from being seen by a fresh pair of eyes. Writers inevitably get wrapped up in their own vision of the story they’re trying to tell, and it can be difficult—if not impossible—to see it the way a reader would. A good editor is like a sieve that you run your story through before presenting it to the world. They catch all the lumps and the crud that you don’t want in your final product.
So why choose me?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a reader. Starting with the board books of toddlerhood to epic tomes as an adult, I’ve been in love with the written word.
This led me to become a writer, which had me searching for critique partners, and so began my education in the art of telling a story. For over two decades, I’ve not just studied the craft of novel writing, I’ve lived it — through reading, writing, critiquing and being critiqued, and eventually becoming a professional editor.
So why choose me?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a reader. Starting with the board books of toddlerhood to epic tomes as an adult, I’ve been in love with the written word.
This led me to become a writer, which had me searching for critique partners, and so began my education in the art of telling a story. For over two decades, I’ve not just studied the craft of novel writing, I’ve lived it — through reading, writing, critiquing and being critiqued, and eventually becoming a professional editor.
Why does all of that matter?
When I read your writing, I do so from all three perspectives. The reader in me will tell you what’s compelling about your story and how to keep me hooked. The writer in me knows how it feels to get an editor’s feedback, and so I try to share my insight not as a judge but as a partner in your writing journey. And finally, as an editor, I know what makes a story work and will apply that knowledge to help make yours stronger.
Why does all of that matter?
When I read your writing, I do so from all three perspectives. The reader in me will tell you what’s compelling about your story and how to keep me hooked. The writer in me knows how it feels to get an editor’s feedback, and so I try to share my insight not as a judge but as a partner in your writing journey. And finally, as an editor, I know what makes a story work and will apply that knowledge to help make yours stronger.
Why “glow-up”?
A “glow-up” is about transformation. It’s about growth and elevation.
Artists know that their craft can always be improved upon, and my goal as an editor is to help you do it. To help you take your storytelling to the next level.
To make your writing shine. ✧˖°.
Why “glow-up”?
A “glow-up” is about transformation. It’s about growth and elevation.
Artists know that their craft can always be improved upon, and my goal as an editor is to help you do it. To help you take your storytelling to the next level.
To make your writing shine. ✧˖°.
My Editing Rules
Be Honest But Kind
Give advice in a gentle and respectful way.
Respect the Author’s Voice
The work should not read like it was written by me.
Praise Before Criticism
It’s useful to learn both what works and what doesn’t.
Opinions ≠ Facts
Disagreeing with my opinions is your right. The story is your baby, not mine.